How can i make a Personal Nick page and design (gold Member only)
On the right side panel you can at your Personal Page
after you have greate one, you can modify the personal site
bij using the following Coding.
Bold [b]{text}[/b] Makes {text} bold Bold example
Italic [i]{text}[/i] Makes {text} italic Italic example
Underline [u]{text}[/u] Underlines {text} Underline
Strikethrough [s]{text}[/s] Create a strikethrough on {text}
Font-size [size={number}]{text}[/size]
[style size={number}]{text}[/style] Changes the font-size of {text}
Font color [color={color}]{text}[/color]
[style color={color or hex}]{text}[/style] Changes the color of {text}
Center text [center]{text}[/center] Centers {text} on screen
Left align text [left]{text}[/left] Left aligns {text} on screen
Right align text [right]{text}[/right] Right aligns {text} on screen
Quote [quote]{text}[/quote] Creates a quotation box containing {text}
Quote (named) [quote={name}]{text}[/quote] Creates a quotation box quoting {name} as saying {text}
Link [url]{url}[/url] Makes a link to {url}
Link (named) [url={url}]{text}[/url] Makes a named link to {url}
Image [img]{url}[/img] Shows the image indicated by {url}
Image (resized) Full version: [img width={width} height={height} ...]{url}[/img]
Another variant (shorthand): [img={width}x{height}]{url}[/img] Shows {url} image resized to {width} and {height}
List Unordered list: [ul]{items}[/ul]
Ordered list: [ol]{items}[/ol]
Another variant: [list]{items}[/list] Displays a list of {items}
List item [li]{text}[/li]
Shorthand: [*]{text}newline Specifies an {item} within a list
Code [code]{text}[/code] Meant for rendering code snippets
Preformatted [code]{text}[/code] Renders the {text} while maintaing all white spacing
Tables [table]{rows}[/table] Show a table with {rows} in it
Table rows [tr]{cells}[/tr] Renders a table row containing {cells}
Table content cells Heading cell: [th]{content}[/th]
Content cell: [td]{content}[/td] Shows {content} in a table (heading) cell
Youtube videos [youtube]{id}[/youtube] Shows the youtube video indicated by {id}