JS8CALL new digi mode !!
stormy |
Posted on 17-12-2019 08:57

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Hi Jason
Before the propagation disappeared recently I did a lot of JS8Call on 11m (27.245) and it worked very well for me.
I think I said on the chat that I have a 2E0 call but as I live in SW France it is not valid as they need a full licence. I did the Bath online course 2 years ago but missed it by 1 mark which pissed me off and even though I was offered a resit decide not to bother due to the study time again and the travel and accommodation costs. So here I am not really able to do any amateur stuff as most UK hams at least would smell a rat I think. On SSB anyway.
If you want to give JS8 a go any time when the prop is reasonable I would be happy to try it out with you. The latest version is 2.00 and allows you to set up multiple callsigns on multiple bands with the software that's running rather than having to reboot it every time and change the details.
There is a guy, 13WSF (Willy) near Bremen who is on all the time when the prop is working and I talk to him a lot.
Anyway, give me a shout on the chat if and when you would like to give it a whirl. I am not always on the radio but always see you when I am!
73 Ian 14CT007
stormy |
Posted on 20-12-2019 16:17

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Hi Jason
My radio history goes back to 1965/70 when I was in a TA Sig Regt and we did HF/CW/FSK but changed to VHF radio relay with yagis in and out which became very boring once it was set up in a chain of vehicles up to 30 miles apart. You are just a repeater, no fun at all.
I never did the RAE and I wish I had now of course but there you are!
I only have the old DM80 software which doesn't have the latest modes. I know I could get the newer software but haven't as I don't feel I can do it.
So, anything on 27.245 is OK, JS8, Olivia, PSK31 etc and the others. I believe 27.500 is also used but I have never heard anything there. 27.635 has ROS on it now and again but I was a bit confused with the software, do you do that?
73 Ian 14CT007
21OP153 |
Posted on 23-12-2019 08:48

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JS8Call 2.1.1 is now available: A new slow speed for decoding down to -28dB and the ability to filter in the software #release
just released JS8Call 2.1.1------> http://files.js8call.com/latest.html
Merry Christmas and HNY 2020 HPE2CUOMW soon 27.245 USB
Edited by 21OP153 on 11-01-2020 11:57
21OP153 Colin
21OP153 |
Posted on 11-01-2020 11:24

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Hi Guys.
For those that use JS8/FT8 or any other form of digi mode there is a closed Face Book group if you would like to join us send me an E.mail or PM with your FB messenger details and I'll send you an invite to the group or I can send a link to you via E.mail or search for us on FB.
Best wishes 73's
Edited by 21OP153 on 24-08-2020 22:45
21OP153 Colin
Claus |
Posted on 12-02-2020 09:11


Posts: 4
Joined: 11.02.20
Yesterday i had more than 50 Qso´s with JS8Call on 27.245MHz USB.
I have much Problem with PLC / Powerline (S5 - S9), but JS8Call can find the Signal without any Problem! Fine !
Thanks for the great Programm. |
21OP153 |
Posted on 20-02-2020 20:57

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[quote]Claus wrote:
Yesterday i had more than 50 Qso´s with JS8Call on 27.245MHz USB.
I have much Problem with PLC / Powerline (S5 - S9), but JS8Call can find the Signal without any Problem! Fine !
50+ QSO's in one day on JS8 on 27.245 USB WOW thats incredible (unbelivable) how did you manage that ? and how many countries did you work ? where these QSO's or were they ACK from sending out a HB from your station ? it was long ago I saw more than 20 or so monitors on 11m JS8 at any one time, propagation must have been really good that day, maybe Im doing something wrong !!.
Edited by 21OP153 on 20-02-2020 21:04
21OP153 Colin
Claus |
Posted on 21-02-2020 05:06


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Joined: 11.02.20
The 11.February was a very good DX day.
Never seen bevor or after so many Stations.
The most was only ACK from sending HB.
The other Stations was QSO (someelse multiple with hours differenz).
Countrys > Sweden, Finland, Suizze, Austria, GB, Ireland, Isle of Man, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Greece, Netherland and Germany
A Station (only RX) from Peru? (8X2OEO/P) recieved 2 times with -26dB slowmode. |
Keponteam |
Posted on 03-07-2020 09:59


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Joined: 02.06.20
Hi guys,
New js8call version is online.
It's a great digimode.
We're waiting for you.
73 de 14frs3146 |
21OP153 |
Posted on 24-08-2020 23:12

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108xx002 wrote:
I will at some point test FT8/JS8 from my QTH on 11m, I use FT8 a lot on 10m and worked 93 DXCC in 2019 with only 10w and a moxon beam.
See you soon on your screen de 108XX002
Hi Jason.
Hope to see you on my waterfall soon.
Edited by 21OP153 on 25-08-2020 17:15
21OP153 Colin
19EK116 |
Posted on 16-02-2022 12:43


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Joined: 13.04.20
Any members using JS8CALL at 27.245 USB-D lately?
 73, René 
112at149 |
Posted on 17-02-2022 06:12


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Joined: 19.03.20
hello guys. if anyone is interested in trying digital FT8 on 11m pls contact me. regards, 112AT149 Bassam |
Posted on 17-02-2022 14:18


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Joined: 12.04.20
Hi guys. I am new to the digital part, I have about 2 months since my start, but I have always liked 11 meters, I started with FT8 on 11m but there is no station using that mode, then I installed JS8CALL and I see that there are many stations using it , that's why I stayed in that mode, if someone wants to do tests in FT8 we are at your service from Ecuador, my QRZ is 61RC110 Ernesto. 73s and I hope to hear from you all very soon. |
16DB001 |
Posted on 17-04-2022 19:26


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Joined: 17.09.21
JS8 Working nice ,greetings from 16DB001 |
Claus |
Posted on 26-04-2022 07:38


Posts: 4
Joined: 11.02.20
I use all Days JS8Call on 27.245 MHz.
Please, use only JS8Call Digimode on 27.245 MHz > Thanks !
73 and GD DX to All.
In Germany are only eight Channels for Digi-Mode allowed.
CH. 06 > 27.025 USB (AM/FM/SSB ) > FT8 and other Digi-Modes
Ch. 07 > 27.035 USB (AM/FM/SSB ) > FT8 and sometime SSTV
CH. 24 > 27.235 USB (AM/FM/SSB ) > ROS
CH. 25 > 27.245 USB (AM/FM/SSB ) > JS8Call
CH. 52 > 26.675 only FM-Mode > ?
CH. 53 > 26.685 only FM-Mode > ?
CH. 76 > 26.915 only FM-Mode > ?
CH. 77 > 26.925 only FM-Mode > sometime FreeDV
Please keep Frequency clean > No Voicecall on this Channels !
Edited by Claus on 16-05-2022 18:20
16DB001 |
Posted on 05-06-2022 13:37


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