I get a couple questions how to change the swr for antron 99. so i was thinking to at this on the forum
The specific dual ring "Adjust-A-Match" makes alignment for optimum SWR very easy.
Turn the rings up for a higher frequency and down for a lower frequency.
be careful to adjust the rings! it can be fasted during a long time corrosion,
i use always break cleaner.
maybe someone else another addition, feel free to put this in this tread.
After breaking loose and cleaning corroded connections I like to use an dielectric grease/electrolytic grease.
After the connection has been cleaned and thoroughly dried out I lube with dielectric grease then wrap it with a good quality electrical tape layered in a way that the water falls over the previous layer of tape not under (direction of wrap bottom to top) this make a good seal like and old shake roof Always make a drip loop at all outdoor connections.
I's been 20 years or more since I started doing it this way and so far so good
.Homes in California and Idaho
2WR0360_Ray www.twrc.us
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