Radio Nord |
Posted on 10-05-2024 08:11


Posts: 1
Joined: 09.05.24
Good morning, I just signed up. Is it possible to download an eQSL to personalise? Thank you!
Radio Nord (Italy-Piemonte-Torino) |
Tomek_161LV001 |
Posted on 10-05-2024 12:09


Posts: 170
Joined: 17.09.12
To personalize, complete your profile, and you can also find eQSL settings here https://clusterdx...upload.php
dau |
Posted on 13-05-2024 14:46


Posts: 4
Joined: 19.04.22
My question is : After i make a choice of a photo, is it possible to me to preview the appearance of the EQSL before a send it it ??? I mean can i see how it looks like ???
Thank you
Dau 3DAU 001 |
Tomek_161LV001 |
Posted on 13-05-2024 17:32


Posts: 170
Joined: 17.09.12
by all means, before sending e-QSL you can see the appearance, you can download or send eQSL
MaggiorTom |
Posted on 23-05-2024 02:17


Posts: 1
Joined: 07.05.24
Hello. I uploaded my own e-QSL. After the preview I think I need some advice to minimize compression artifacts. I did try to scale the image to 600 x 400 using the interpolation that better suit. I used no compression though. After the upload the fonts look blurry and there's some aliasing. I'm wondering if compressing the image before the upload, to match the web storage size, the result can be improved. I didn't try this way cause I've got no idea about a file size to try.
Edited by MaggiorTom on 23-05-2024 02:23
Tomek_161LV001 |
Posted on 23-05-2024 10:36


Posts: 170
Joined: 17.09.12
The graphics you made can be in a higher resolution, e.g. 1920X1200, the system will still scale it to 600x400. Try to create graphics in a higher resolution, the system will adjust the size and weight of the file, check the effect of your eQSL later
188AT101 Georges-Henri |
Posted on 26-05-2024 08:32


Posts: 1
Joined: 15.01.23
Bonjour à tous, comment effacer la liste de EQSL non lu. Merci |
Tomek_161LV001 |
Posted on 27-05-2024 08:19


Posts: 170
Joined: 17.09.12
Unfortunately, there is no way to clear the list at the moment, but it is a good suggestion. Now you have to read every eQSL. 73s
Jean-pascal |
Posted on 12-06-2024 19:50


Posts: 1
Joined: 15.02.24
Hello. Suite à une erreur de ma part après avoir poster une photo je souhaiterais la remplacer. Comment faire. |
Tomek_161LV001 |
Posted on 12-06-2024 20:01


Posts: 170
Joined: 17.09.12
go to https://clusterdx...upload.php and there change your photo. 73s
161RC316 |
Posted on 23-06-2024 18:37


Posts: 1
Joined: 23.03.24
Hi, when i'm sending eQSL via web browser I don't see it was sent, I do not see date and time of sent in logbook. When I'm sending via android app time of sent is shown in logbook but format (composition) is different from the one I chose in eQSL setting. 73
Edited by 161RC316 on 27-06-2024 17:33
6RC113 |
Posted on 01-08-2024 17:42


Posts: 5
Joined: 01.11.20
Cordial saludo:
Le agradezco tu colaboración, pues he venido notado que desde JULIO en el LOGBOOK no aparecen los registros de mis contactos que he añadido razón por la cual no se he podido enviar ni confirmar las QSL'S.
Por favor le solicito tu colaboración ya que he reportado varias veces este evento en la pagina...
Mil gracias y espero tu respuesta.
6RC113 |
Posted on 09-08-2024 01:16


Posts: 5
Joined: 01.11.20
hola amigos de cluster dx.... he puesto una inaquietud de un problema que aparece en el logbook y nadie fresponde... alguien me puede colaborar??? no aparecen mis registros de lugares desde julio motivo por el cual NO HE PODIDO NI ENVIAR NI RECIBIR QSL'S.... QUE DEBO HACER????? MUCHAS GRACIAS 6RC113 GUSTAVO COLOMBIA.
Hello friends of Cluster DX.... I have posted a concern about a problem that appears in the logbook and no one has responded... Can someone help me??? My location records have not appeared since July, which is why I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO SEND OR RECEIVE QSL'S.... WHAT SHOULD I DO????? THANK YOU VERY MUCH 6RC113 GUSTAVO COLOMBIA. |
Tomek_161LV001 |
Posted on 09-08-2024 10:25


Posts: 170
Joined: 17.09.12
Hello Gustavo,
please do not use translator for the entire ClusterDX website, use the original English version without google translate overlay. It introduces spelling errors for the expressions 'WKD' 'SWL' translates them into Spanish! Give up translating the entire website, the problem should disappear.
MobyDick |
Posted on 21-08-2024 10:11


Posts: 1
Joined: 05.07.23
Wie kann man eine eQSL erstellen? Wenn ich ein Foto hochlade, dann komme ich nicht weiter, es kommt immer wieder die gleiche Webseite. |
Tomek_161LV001 |
Posted on 21-08-2024 14:38


Posts: 170
Joined: 17.09.12
MobyDick wrote:
Wie kann man eine eQSL erstellen? Wenn ich ein Foto hochlade, dann komme ich nicht weiter, es kommt immer wieder die gleiche Webseite.
go t your logbook https://clusterdx...ogbook.php and there on the right side all your logs you have yello icon 'Generate eQSL'