I’m wondering whats going on with the eQSL system on Cluster DX? It’s not fit for purpose. I have never been able to get it to work properly. The downloaded images down work, despite resizing over and over again. Images wont then download with errors. Now my image is downloaded but is showing up blank when I preview. Tried it in 3 different browsers and nothing.
This system should be user friendly and slick. The system feel a bit like a system from the 90’s days of the internet not the 2020’s.
Please can someone update and modernize this system as it’s so frustrating.
hi Rob, most likely you are using images with a .png extension. At the moment eQSL system uses only pictures with .jpg extension
There may be a system update for various different image file extensions, but for now, please only use files with the .jpg extension.
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